
More than seven years after our first joint action in the Bugker Forest and three years after planting about 1300 trees with the help of 30 volunteers we gathered some impressions from the growing sessile oaks, red oaks, rowan, sweet chestnut, hornbeam, winter linden and all the other species that are slowly but steadily transforming the former industrial pine tree forest into a healthy and resilient mixed forest. Photos by Joaquim Salas

„Halleluja Berlin – Das Konzertspektakel“ am 29.07.2023 in der Waldbühne. Endlich wird das lang erwartete Geburtstagskonzert von Rainald Grebe, pandemiebedingt mit 2 Jahren Verspätung, in der Berliner Waldbühne stattfinden. Das Ganze steht auch unter dem Motto „Wald“. Es wird Geld gesammelt für unser Mischwaldprojekt in Bugk, Brandenburg. Bereits im letzten Jahr haben wir zusammen mit 30 Freiwillligen und Grebe-Fans gepflanzt. Der zuständige Förster kommt auch zum Konzert mit dem Jagdblasensemble Köllnitz und bläst zum Halali. Und Grebe Lieder wird es in Hülle und Fülle geben. Diese stehen im Zentrum des Spektakels, und werden in neuen Klanggewändern präsentiert. Da sind einige:…

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The Association for Social-Ecological Change (VSOW e.V.) invited a total of 30 young people from Germany and Turkey to the joint project “Youth for Forests”. The aims of the activities were not only direct environmental and forest protection, but also intercultural exchange. The activities in Brandenburg and Mugla served as a method to inspire young adults for nature conservation and to bring them together. Especially the two particularly affected regions in Brandenburg and Mugla make it clear that we are facing the same challenges in Europe and that we can only solve these problems together. Since CO2 was also emitted…

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elusive grounds, muchrooms, fungi, network, collaboration, non human

Elusive Grounds – a collective exhibition and sensing platform consisting of mycological workshops, experiments and educational trails that actively challenge the ostensible binaries of art and science and that seeks to connect the various forms of (more-than-)human knowledges like science, artworks, technological tools, sensors, sensual experience and situative experiments. Inspired by the elusive shapes, forms and forces of fungi, the group exhibition “Elusive Grounds” itself is a living organism, a sensing installation, which you are able to enter. The hybrid exhibition format is a result of an intensive research phase, where the artists collaborated with the mycologist Martin Schlecht, in…

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In December 2021 we went to the winterly forest in Bugk, a small village in Brandenburg at around 60km distance from Berlin, and planted together with singer and director Rainald Grebe and with the help of about 30 volunteers 1,300 small trees. A mixture of sessile oaks, red oaks, rowan, sweet chestnut, hornbeam and winter linden will know grow in the once industrial forest and contribute to a higher bio-diversity and CO2-compensation. Despite cold temperatures and a thin blanket of snow over the forest floor, everyone was highly motivated, following the expert´s guidance from the local forestry office. In between,…

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title E Debate

25 young adults around the world debate climate change. Together with our partner YPIDA from Turkey, VSOW hosted the digital event series “The Intercultural E-Debate”. For one week, young adults from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas discussed moving issues of our time, such as climate change and its impact on our environment, the corona pandemic and freedom of expression. In this way, the participants could get to know different perceptions and debate possible solutions with people from other contexts. The exchange also aimed at strengthening the soft skills of young people. In the workshops, participants were able to practice…

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Following the example of the Brazilian photographer and environmentalist Sebastião Salgado we teamed up with the musician, cabaret artist and director Rainald Grebe for a tree-planting campaign on a forest plot in Brandenburg, which is managed by the VSOW for the purpose of renaturation. On the occasion of his concert at the Berliner Waldbühne on 31.07.2021, Rainald Grebe started a fundraising campaign to plant trees in the Bugk Forest under our patronage and in cooperation with the Bergwaldprojekt e.V. Under the supervision of forest ranger Peter Schwarz, we will plant deciduous trees in autumn 2021. These will have very positive…

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Represente – the future is ours! 60 min Full HD RePresente documents diverse voices and images of feminism, self-governing and cooperative economies as well as the ecological and community-supported agriculture of Argentina. The protagonists of these stories are members of Argentinian social movements and organizations that have fought in recent years’ struggles and are constantly building viable alternatives to the crisis-ridden, neo-liberal and neo-colonial system.   The documentary is a collaboration between German and Argentine alternative media collectives which has its origin in the intense days of December 2018 when the G20 summit took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  …

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March 2020 Civil society organisations (including VSOW) from Denmark, France, Germany, Georgia, Central Asia, the US, Indonesia and Romania have submitted their joint inputs on the implementation of AIIB’s Environmental and Social Framework for phase one of the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) review. The joint submission highlights concerns for how the ESF has been poorly applied to the screening and implementation of projects against the backdrop of weakened transparency and accountability since the ESF went operational in 2017. Civil societies in these countries therefore call on the AIIB to assess the implementation of ESF during the review period, and…

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Ausstellung Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2018 – Montag, 21. Mai 2018 in  GOLD OHNE GLANZ? | MULTIMEDIALE AUSSTELLUNG UND VORTRAG – EXHIBITION AND LECTURE EINE REISE ZU KONVENTIONELLEN GOLDSCHÜRFERN UND FAIRTRADE KOOPERATIVEN IN AFRIKA! Ausgerüstet lediglich mit einer kleinen Kopflampe, genau wie die Kumpel in Ostafrika, begeben sich die Besucher der multimedialen Ausstellung  in die nachgebauten Minenschächte in einer uns zur Verfügung stehenden Kartoffelscheune auf dem Hof Klein Witzeetze 6. Die Hofgemeinschaft beteiligt sich zum dritten Mal an der Kulturellen Landpartien, dem größten, selbstorganisierten Kulturfestival Norddeutschlands. Rund 50 Höfe öffnen zwischen Himmelfahrt und Pfingsten ihre Tore, der Hof kw6 mit einem…

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