VSOW is an association with the overall goal to foster socio-ecological change processes. Our work began in the fields of Reforestation, environmental Research & Media as well as Art Exhibitions and Filmproduction. Recently VSOW is also advocating for the shaping and implementation of policies of international financial institutions for the protection of the environment and the communities that depend on them.
Our purposes are among others:
- The promotion of sustainable forest programs in the context of climate change, through the restoration and protection of forest ecosystems.
- Building and strengthening international collaborations and networks in research & media with grassroots stakeholders in the field of socio-ecological transformations with a special focus on civil-society networks.
- Fostering education and training especially in the field of forest conservation and restoration by public communication and constructive work for socio-ecological change and human-nature relationship.
- Inspire and implement sustainable art projects hand-in-hand with our forest projects.
- Advocacy for shaping and implementing policies of international financial institutions for the protection of the environment and the communities that depend on them. A Briefing paper (German), “Die von Peking-geleitete Asiatische Infrastruktur Investment Bank (AIIB): Globaler Führer bei der Finanzierung von Infrastruktur, aber zu welchem Preis?”, Dr. Korinna Horta and Wawa Wang presents our current work on this aspect.
Our approach is piloting and amplifying projects from local to global and we aim to build solid networks between communities, individuals, and professionals.