Represente – the future is ours!

Represente – the future is ours!

Represente – the future is ours!

60 min Full HD

RePresente documents diverse voices and images of feminism, self-governing and cooperative economies as well as the ecological and community-supported agriculture of Argentina. The protagonists of these stories are members of Argentinian social movements and organizations that have fought in recent years’ struggles and are constantly building viable alternatives to the crisis-ridden, neo-liberal and neo-colonial system.


The documentary is a collaboration between German and Argentine alternative media collectives which has its origin in the intense days of December 2018 when the G20 summit took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Directed by: Dario Farcy, Bettina Müller, Joana Splieth, Tina Wilke 

Edited by: Miguel Goya 

instagram: @representefilm 

facebook: @representefilm